
G.I.P. 2021: Precision Irrigation Days for sustainable agriculture

Exhibitions _ 30 NOVEMBER _2021

After a long time, the appointments in the field with the Forigo team and its solutions for soil processing and preparation are back! The upcoming event is G.I.P. 2021 (Giornate dell’Irrigazione di Precisione, Precision Irrigation Days), which will take place on the 24th and the 25th of June both online and offline, at the “Po di Tramontana” Center. It will be a unique opportunity to see Forigo solutions in action, including the innovative and award-winning Modula JET plastic layer and seeder. Let’s find out more details in this article!

The importance of water as a resource

The management of a fundamental resource such as water is the basis of G.I.P. 2021, organized by Veneto Agricoltura with the patronage of the University of Padua, the D.A.F.N.A.E. (Department of Agronomy Food Natural resources Animals Environment) and the Società di Ortoflorofrutticoltura Italiana. Thanks to the collaboration with the “Po di Tramontana” Center, it was possible to offer an event that combined discussion and exchange on a central topic such as integrated and precision irrigation with visits and demonstrations in the field, for a complete overview that did not neglect direct experience.

Thanks to the active participation of numerous companies, during G.I.P. 2021 it will be possible to learn about innovative and sustainable solutions for precision agriculture, while maintaining constant attention to water saving and its proper management.

An event halfway between real and virtual

Created to spread innovation while keeping tradition as a fixed point, G.I.P. 2021 adopts two different ways to allow anyone to actively participate. In fact, the event will take place both online and offline, on two separate days. More precisely, on Thursday 24 June the event will be broadcast live on the Facebook pages of Veneto Agricoltura and “Po di Tramontana” Center, without the need for any registration; on the following day, Friday 25 June, the event will take place at the “Po di Tramontana” Center, upon registration.

The two-day program, scheduled from 9.30 to 12.30 and from 14 to 16, will consist of various visits to the integrated theses in the field and in the greenhouse, to touch on various aspects such as organic mulching, micro-irrigation systems, the automation of irrigation systems and various experimental horticultural tests.

Modula JET: sustainable innovation by Forigo

Even Forigo could only be part of an event that celebrates innovation and, to prove it, will bring its own solutions for agriculture and horticulture. Among these, a place of honor goes to the Modula JET plastic layer and seeder, already winner of the Innovation Award at Agritechnica 2019 and 100% electric. Not only effective, therefore, but also respectful of the environment and designed specifically to facilitate the sowing and mulching processes, carried out in one single step.

During G.I.P. 2021 it will be possible to see it at work, along with other Forigo solutions.


The event G.I.P. 2021 will be an excellent opportunity to see with your own eyes numerous solutions for agriculture and precision irrigation, but also to discuss a key issue such as water resource management.

Forigo is waiting for you on 24 and 25 June 2021, online and live, to show you its solutions and demonstrate their power and efficiency! If you would like more information about the event or our solutions, do not hesitate to contact us: our team will be at your disposal for any questions and curiosities!

R&S Forigo

Research and Development Division of Forigo Roteritalia. Team of experts engaged in the study and analysis of the main agricultural and horticultural techniques used today. Knowledge combined with competence are the starting point for continuous improvement in a scenario of innovation and technological development.

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